About me

Thank you for visiting my website. The first thing I would like you to know is that I’m a dad and a husband.

Helping families fighting cancer

Nearly 20 years ago, my little brother was diagnosed with cancer. That’s when I found out that many children have to travel far for treatment. It was like that 20 years ago, and it hasn’t changed much since.

So, in 2016, I founded a charity to help change that. You can watch a video about it further down on this page. Please Take Me There is run by three volunteers, myself included. We have helped thousands of children in Myanmar to get to hospital and every month we offer 100 trips to families living in extreme poverty.

In the UK, I’m campaigning for better transport for families of children with cancer.

When I can, I offer lifts to families so they can travel to Addenbrooke’s Hospital free of charge.

And because I’m a private pilot, I also offer free flights to people going through difficult times so they can spend a day away with their families, seeking help or making precious memories.

Travel Plans

As a child, flying gave me hope. From up there, the big problems I was dealing with looked small, and the horizon was further away - It was like magic.

Today, I share some of that magic in my videos and podcast, including inspiring stories and the making of unforgettable memories.

For travel lovers, I host Travel Plans, a podcast and newsletter about exploring fantastic destinations in the UK and abroad.

International Press Day - Facebook HQ California. I spoke to over 50 journalist from all over the world about the support we offer to cancer patients.

International Press Day - Facebook HQ California. I spoke to over 50 journalist from all over the world about the support we offer to cancer patients.

Meeting with Shery Sandberg, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. I was invited to a round table with ten social entrepreneurs.

Meeting with Shery Sandberg, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. I was invited to a round table with ten social entrepreneurs.

Today Show, at NBC New York. I was invited to talk about the impact of social media fundraising on our work.

Today Show, at NBC New York. I was invited to talk about the impact of social media fundraising on my work.